HOTEL Fieldwork ReseaRch

“We commissioned S2 to complete a field research project which involved visiting 300 hotels across 3 cities.  The objective was to understand the growth potential across our brands and packs within this environment.  The findings were concisely and powerfully presented through using their great tools which will allow us to clearly identify and unlock growth opportunities.  By working closely with us, S2 have built a great insight into our business, delivered a timely project and presented in a way that allows us to show a compelling growth opportunity.”

Michael Christopherson Senior Manager – Casual DInings CCEP.


Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) wanted to identify and size the potential opportunity for soft drinks within the UK Hotel Environment. Current understanding of this environment was limited and the true potential, particularly within managed hotels, had not been fully measured or understood. CCEP appointed S2 to undertake market research in the form of fieldwork audits across 3 chosen cities. This audit would then provide results which would be extrapolated to size the true opportunity across the UK.


S2 worked on a hotel data list, de-duping against CCEP managed hotels and excluding hotels that met certain criteria. Hotels were mapped and 3 final cities chosen that represented a good call volume within a tight catchment radius. Data was captured by brand, format and SKU for CCEP brands and competitors across each city and as a total. The raw data was analysed, and results presented with key findings.


The fieldwork results delivered great insight for CCEP.  The fieldwork audit has provided visibility of soft drink coverage, the gaps in the market and identified where CCEP can drive uplift and penetration. The results have been used to steer future business strategy and growth for this environment.


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