‘’For many years S2 has been managing our incidence rebate payment programme which rewards Dominos franchisees against soft drink volume sales. Each year, S2 also develops our Dominos incentive website which has been a major success, driving up sales and increasing brand exposure for our soft drinks.’
National Account Manager, Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners’
The Brief
S2 has been successfully managing Coca-Cola Europacific Partners soft drink incidence and rebate payments for Domino’s franchisees over the last 10 years.
Building on the success of this work, Coca-Cola commissioned S2 to design and build a microsite and reward scheme to help promote an incentive campaign they run with Domino’s on an annual basis. This incentive programme is geared to drive increased incidents of soft drinks with orders when combined with Domino’s Pizza and food offering.
Our Approach
S2 developed an engaging microsite and reward programme for Domino’s franchisees that covers all elements of the Road to Atlanta Campaign theme. The clean, contemporary and ‘on brand’ site displays league tables of top performers by individual store and group franchisee by month and offers advice and comms material on soft drink ranging, merchandising, POS and promotional activity.
Monthly and annual prizes were awarded including staff spot rewards, team events and fabulous VIP trips to Atlanta, the home of Coca-Cola.
The Result
The incidence and rebate programme which runs throughout the year has been very successful in helping to grow volume sales of CCEP soft drink brands, with an estimated total volume uplift of 8.5% compound growth over the 10 year period.
The one-off incentive websites (which run for 12 weeks each year) have also been a major success in providing Domino’s franchisees with a quick go-to resource to see how their individual and group stores are performing across the UK on a regular basis.
The site also acts as a fantastic communication and ‘news based’ tool between CCEP and Domino’s franchisees, helping to cement relationships and build growth for these 2 global brands.
The Atlanta incentive campaign drove substantial growth for franchisee groups and the campaign made a considerable incremental profit of £188,000 for CCEP and increased incidence volume for Domino’s by 22% over the incentive period.
S2 is busy developing a new incentive web campaign, The Road to Vegas, which will further reinforce brand presence and drive volume growth.
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