Store segmentation, customer segmentation, location planning & category management
“S2 advised us on our estate segmentation models and were a great fit with our internal team. We now have a much better understanding of how to position our film programming, food & drink range and promotional activity more effectively.”
Jo Webb, Marketing Director, Vue Cinemas
The Brief
Vue was looking to improve the relevance of promotional offers, ranging and film programming for individual cinemas by building a detailed understanding of the occasion based behaviours behind why we go to the cinema.
The objective to move away from generic brand led POS and promotional offers to a targeted approach based on an improved understanding of customers would improve the customer experience and allow cinema segmentation led activity.
This takes into account each individual cinema’s location and helps deliver more relevant on and offline activity at both a national and highly localised level. The new customer segments (pen personas) based on visitor occasions will be infused into future marketing, ranging, pricing and promotions.
Our Approach
Each cinema’s catchment was sized by the percentage of population matching each segment around the cinema location. Analysis of online and promotional activated bookings enabled an understanding of the proximity of existing visitors and the distance they would travel to each cinema.
By mapping Vue’s behavioural customer segments to the actual UK population and using Marketview our Google enabled mapping and data visualisation tool, we were able to identify, for each location, the percentage split of population by VUE customer segments and split of existing customers by segment.
Future online promotional activity could then be driven at both an individual visitor level and also at an aggregated cinema segmentation level that pools cinemas with very similar profiles for marketing activation.
The overlay of competitive cinemas added a further depth by showing the locations were VUE is winning against competitors.

The Result
This store segmentation now illustrates where VUE is currently strong and provides recommendations on where there are segments with high population opportunity but low customer coverage.
This ability to identify the relevancy of population behaviour and preferences to each cinema now helps drive marketing strategy, thereby moving away from generic brand led POS and promotional offers to a highly targeted approach based on an improved understand of customers.
Vue now has the ability to see the big picture and embed marketing strategy at both a national and local level across online promotions, TV, radio and outdoor advertising.
Cinema estate segmentation led activity will now improve targeting, inform both on and off line strategy and highlight pricing and promotional activity.
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