

Customer segmentation, store segmentation, shopper insight, category management CASE STUDY

“S2’s analysis acted as the foundation to develop segmentation models to reflect WHST shopper missions. WHST could then tailor their outlet brands and introduce targeted campaigns which reflected the optimum product mix offering in a consistent and intelligent manner.” 

Ian McConville, Head of Marketing Insights, WHSmith

The Brief

WHSmith Travel (WHST) was looking to create a segmentation of store locations beyond their existing broad segmentation by type, (travel and retail high street), with a view to move towards increased store differentiation.

By increasing their consumer and shopper knowledge at, for example, key airports or rail and motorway service stations, WHST would then be able to make continual improvements in terms of growing their business within existing stores:

  • Understanding price point pressures
  • Optimising the product mix in line with store location and consumer footprint
  • Building potential consumer ‘pull’ by layering in consumer demographic and shopper behaviour data

Our Approach

We analysed store attributes to understand differentiation across the estate, which also enabled comparisons between outlets in terms of profitability, setting of price points, product mix by the store location and consumer opportunity, performance measures and gross sales.

This analysis acted as the foundation to develop store segmentation models to reflect WHST shopper missions. WHST could then tailor the outlet brands and introduce targeted campaigns that reflected the optimum category management and product mix offering in a consistent and intelligent manner.

The impact of this work helps unlock and grow untapped potential in the footprint of their outlets.

The Result

A bespoke segmentation model was derived, along with a full store segmentation listing and graphic representation through our MarketView data mapping, reporting and analysis tool.

Understanding how to engage with customers at each store now enables WHST to ‘pull’ consumers into travel hub stores during a small purchasing window and maximise their spend within the store through encouraging multiple purchase.

The work also offers a blueprint for optimising store layout and in store point of sale promotions based on the segmentation of locations, competitive business in the immediate vicinity and the purchasing behaviour of the consumers and workforce moving through the locations.


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