World of Wedgwood Onsite Visitor Surveys Case Study

World of Wedgwood

Onsite Visitor Surveys

“We were really pleased with the work that S2 put together. The research work gave us a great insight into our current visitors and who we needed to speak to going forward.” 

Chris Perkins, Group Business Development Director, World of Wedgwood

World of Wedgwood onsite survey case study image


The World of Wedgwood, (WOW), is a unique visitor experience providing a showcase for Wedgwood. After an extensive multi million pound redevelopment, WOW’s key aim was to drive footfall to the venue and to increase sales onsite. Visitors can enjoy a range of activities from the factory tour, museum, shopping outlets, tea room and restaurant or getting hands on with clay.  

WOW had a view of their customers but tasked Serendipity2 (S2), to help them gain a better understanding of who their visitors are, their motivations and influences when choosing a day out and gather visitor satisfaction feedback.


World of Wedgwood Consumer Research – S2 undertook visitor surveys onsite at WOW across a week day and a weekend. Visitors were intercepted around the site to answer some questions in person about their experience that day, why they had chosen to come to WOW and more generally what they considered when choosing a venue to visit for the day or part of day. This research monitored harder demographics such as age, life stage and time of visit, along with softer attitudinal data on overall visitor experience, customer satisfaction, value for money and key drivers for day’s out and the reason for visiting WOW that day. 


The face to face interviews helped S2 gather great insight and feedback around visitor perceptions of WOW, their experience and satisfaction levels on the day and understanding into key motivators and influences when choosing a leisure day out. Data collected also helped to substantiate visitor profiling work that S2 had carried out alongside this onsite research consolidating visitor profiles.  Key insights were used to drive future marketing and communications, ensuring key messages were clear and aligned to target demographics.


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