by Chris Roberts | Apr 12, 2021 | Strategy Insight, Topic
You don’t have to work blind any more, MarketView™ is our unique data visualisation tool that ensures you can always see clearly. It’s designed specifically for brands just like yours which is probably why it’s already being used...
by Chris Roberts | Apr 1, 2021 | Serendipity2 Recruitment
Serendipity2 annouces the apppointment of two very experienced people in Mike Nalder – Strategy & Insights Director and Neil Jenkinson – New Business Development Director. We are delighted to welcome both Mike and Neil to the team, bringing a wealth of...
by Chris Roberts | Apr 1, 2021 | Serendipity2 Articles, Topic
Covid has dominated the backdrop to how major consumer brands and retailers engage with their customers across both on and offline channels, but over the past 12 months, how has covid-19 affected consumer behaviour? It would be stretching it to say that 2020 wasn’t a...
by Chris Roberts | Apr 1, 2021 | Creative Execution
Serendipity2 is working with Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company to ensure their dedicated sales and marketing platform is geared up for the new brands that come with this exciting venture. Our digital asset management tool will allow the sales and marketing teams,...
by Chris Roberts | Apr 1, 2021 | Customer Research
S2 is delighted to be working for ‘The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism’; another client in the travel sector. Serendipity2 is conducting research to measure response to different creative routes, to provide CIDT with a better understanding of what resonates with...